12/12/2001 ore: 0:00

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find out more about McDonalds Workers Resistancecdonalds Workers Resistance


      The McWorkers Resistance Cook Book

      McDonalds food is shit and really boring. Here’s a couple of recipes you may want to try:

      Sweet and sour stir fry (vegan)

      A delicious simple to prepare sauce with an Oriental flavour.

      You will need:
      1 pancake mixing bowl, or if you don’t have one a large metal pot.
      One grill
      One grill spatula
      An egg spatula from breakfast equipment
      A Tomato slicer

      A few drops of shortening
      1 and a half tomatoes
      2 handfuls of diced fresh onions
      10 sweet and sour sauce portions
      6 sachets of pepper
      3 sachets of salt

      Place the shortening in the metal container and leave on the grill until it heats/ cools to a steady
      temperature. Slice the tomatoes and then dice/ puree with the grill spatula. Add the fresh onions
      to the shortening and sauté (shallow fry), keep the onions moving with the egg spatula and when
      they are sautéed (slightly brown) add the diced tomatoes and continue to fry lightly while
      mixing well with the egg spatula. After a few minutes add the sweet and sour sauce and
      continue to heat while mixing well, add the salt and pepper and heat for five minutes stirring

      Serving suggestion:
      Serve with chopped product of your choice, i.e. vedgie patties, chicken patties (not vegan!) and
      salad made from tomato and lettuce.

      Pizza Italiano (vegetarian)

      Add a Mediterranean flavour to your cuisine with this delicious Italian style pizza.

      You will need:
      One bun toaster
      One fillet steamer
      One small pot
      A grill spatula

      One bun (ideally one of those dodgy “Italian style’ buns they do from time to time, but failing
      that a reg bun will do)
      2 slices of cheese
      1 tomato
      A sprinkle of fresh onions
      2 sachet’s pepper

      Dice the cheese into the smallest pieces possible with the grill spatula and do the same with the
      tomato after you have sliced it. Next, squirt a little ketchup into a small pot, add the diced
      tomatoes and mix well with the ketchup while pureeing the tomato. Add a sachet of pepper and
      mix it into the tomato sauce. Alter the compression on the bun toaster (or just use a small stack
      of trays) so that it will slightly flatten the bun when you toast it. Toast the bun for about 20
      seconds. Spread some of the tomato sauce on the toasted bun, sprinkle on half the cheese, then
      add the onion before sprinkling on the remainder of the cheese. Sprinkle the second sachet of
      pepper across the top and place on the fillet steamer for 30 seconds. Hey presto, one mini pizza.
      You can make as many as you want, try experimenting with different toppings.

      Got some tomato sauce left over? why not make these delicious bruschetta!

      Bruschetta (vegan)

      Fresh onions
      4 sachets of pepper
      1 sachet of salt
      tomato sauce left over from pizzas
      2 regular bun heels

      fry the onions as if for “sweet & sour stir fry’, then add the tomato sauce. Heat over grill while
      stirring continuously, add the salt and pepper. Toast the bun heels for 45 seconds. Then spread
      the tomato and onion sauce on the toasted bread.

      Coming soon: curried dishes with the spicy exotic taste of the sub-continent.

      Read this! Get paid your full wages

      cdonalds Workers Resistance


      Get paid your full wages!

      McDonalds already pay us the least they possibly can, but if they can get away with it, they’ll
      pay us even less. Here are a few thoughts on how to try and make sure you receive the pitiful
      wage you’re legally entitled to.

      Firstly, and most importantly, never assume that just because you have clocked in for a shift this
      means you will be paid for all the hours you work. Theft of wages is rife, we keep hearing about
      this, it really can’t be emphasised enough. Managers alter clock card entries to save on labour
      costs, i.e. they might clock you out a couple of hours before you actually stopped working. This
      practice has been exposed at our store twice and we have heard of it occurring on numerous
      other occasions. We have NEVER heard of a manager being dismissed for this offence. Wide
      spread fraudulent theft of employees wages in order to save the company money is not a cause
      for dismissal, taking a drink without permission potentially is. The managers do it because they
      are under so much pressure from their bosses to keep costs down, but there can be few clearer
      indications of the depravity of the system and the degeneracy that it breeds that servile, two
      faced, pathetic managers are prepared to steal from minimum wage workers, not even for
      themselves, but for a $35 Billion a year corporation.
      DON’T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT! Record the hours you have worked and check you
      get paid properly. If needs be make the shift running manager sign a piece of paper every shift
      indicating the hours you have worked and the length of your break. NEVER TRUST THE

      Also, managers sometimes say a day is double time when it isn’t really in order to get you to
      work. If you’re in any doubt then it’s worth checking with the human resources department or
      getting signed confirmation from the shift running manager.

      If you attend a staff meeting (crew/ training squad meeting, safety circle, rap session, etc.) then
      you are entitled to payment at your full hourly rate for the duration of the meeting. So clock in!
      Managers will probably tell you not to clock in and will say that they’ll sort your money out
      later, complying with this means you will almost certainly not get paid, either because of
      deliberate fraud or just because of incompetence. The UK crew handbook states “it is your
      responsibility to clock in and out when you start and finish work”. For once do as it says.

      If you are doing a short shift and are only entitled to a 15 minute break then you don’t have to
      clock out for your break (EU).

      If one day you have to go to work at another store then you are entitled to payment for time
      spent travelling between your store and the other store and any costs incurred.

      Do not accept any deductions from your wages (for lateness, breakages, cash shortages, new
      uniform, etc.) as this practice is illegal.

      Getting sick pay/ maternity pay if you work for McDonalds is not easy and the regulations vary
      from country to country, but do not assume it’s impossible. Your entitlement will, of course,
      depend on statutory provisions in the country where you work.

      During your period of employment you will accrue HOLIDAY PAY. A lot of this gets kept by
      McDonalds. If you’re thinking of quitting suddenly and not working your two weeks notice
      then make sure you get any holiday pay you’re due put through first. Insist on collecting your
      holiday pay every year (you’re not supposed to get the money in lieu of holidays not taken).
      You’re legally entitled to this money but McDonalds are very adept at stealing it.

      If you’re offered a bonus, insist the manager puts it through before you do the extra work, get
      written confirmation and check your wage slip to make sure you have indeed received it.

      You should also try and make sure that you’re not paying too much tax. Especially if you
      started the job part way through the current financial year, it’s possible you will be on the wrong
      tax code. For example, in the UK, you are allowed to earn some £4000 without paying any tax
      (you are still liable for National Insurance contributions). If you think you have been over taxed
      then take a recent wage slip to a tax office and hopefully they will give you a cheque (it takes a
      few weeks), and the government will have a bit less cash to spend on killing Iraqis.

      Finally, don’t forget to take advantage of McDonalds great generosity and concern for its
      employees. In the event of a death in your immediate family, you may be entitled to receive
      paid leave so you can nip along to the funeral.

      The outrageously titled Everything you ever wanted to know about stealing from McD's!

      (in inverted commas because you can’t steal what already belongs to you)

      McDonalds steals the wealth we produce in the form of profits every shift we work, so it’s
      totally ethical for us to try and take the profit back through whatever means we can.
      Unfortunately, legal systems across the world exist to preserve the capitalist system. As Noam
      Chomsky put it “the country was founded on the principle that the primary role of government is
      to protect property from the majority, and so it remains”. Therefor, this article is included
      purely for entertainment purposes....

      The most obvious way to take back what belongs to us is through taking money from the tills.
      McDonalds knows that most crew members despise the company and it has taken precautions to
      try and reduce the amount of money “stolen’. These include uniforms without pockets, the
      T-reds obsession from a couple of years back (that lasted a few weeks), cameras and fairly
      rigorously controlled cash handling procedures. Nevertheless, it’s fairly easy to more than
      double your wage.

      You could try taking a stack of notes in a one off spectacular, but this is more of a parting shot
      than a steady income. As long as you don’t take too much, and don’t make it too obvious, then
      such actions tend not to result in prosecution (best to split on your break and never come back,
      oh and make sure that what you take is considerably more than the holiday pay you’re due or it’s
      pretty pointless).

      You could just take a bit now and again and then play innocent when your till is down.
      However, if your till is down more than £20/ $30 then it should be immediately obvious to all
      but the stupidest managers that you (or someone else with access to your till) has been stealing.
      If you keep “losing’ smaller amounts of money then sooner or later you will wither be sacked or
      banished to kitchen (years ago one of our gang was banned from ever using tills when
      management became convinced he was stealing but couldn’t prove it).

      When managers get rushed they may insist you take over someone else’s till without it being
      cashed up, or order you to share a till with someone else. Christmas has come early! As long as
      you don’t get caught on camera with a bag of loot, then they have no way of determining which
      of you is an honest serf and which of you is an evil criminal genius. If it’s a lot of money then
      they will pursue the matter further but if it’s not that much then the manager will just be left red
      faced in the office while you and the other crew member are splitting the money in the local

      However, it is normally a much better idea to make sure that when your till is cashed up
      everything tallies... and you’ve got a few notes tucked in your sock. There are a number of ways
      this can be achieved.

      The old way was to enter the order into your till, receive the money then delete most of the order
      before ringing it through. The difference between the correct cost of the order paid by the
      customer and the cost of the one item you finally entered, would then be yours to take. This is
      why McDonalds started going on about T-reds. T-reds appear when you delete an item without
      having it cleared by a manager, some till systems block this action, others show it up on your till
      report and this can lead to cash retraining slips. This hasn’t totally stopped this method being
      used- at busy times managers will hand over till keys/ swipe cards so that crew can do their own
      deletions, not to mention refunds... Christmas has come early! I don’t exactly understand this
      one never having worked at a drive thru restaurant, but we’ve heard of people working together
      where the person taking orders has till keys (or a swipe card, whatever). The order taker enters
      the correct order and collects the money, then once the person gathering the order has collected
      it the order taker deletes the order. Apparently, you can make £15 on one big order this way.

      However, the attention paid to T-reds has led to a search for improved tactics and there are a
      number of possibilities. Perhaps the most reliable technique is to enter a single sandwich on the
      till when a customer purchases a meal. If the customer eats there fairly regularly (and is not a
      tourist or an OAP) then it is exceedingly unlikely they will question why you’re charging them
      more than appears on the till and even if they do you can just correct your “mistake’ (one of the
      delights of this scam is that it can so easily be passed off as a mistake, whoever takes an interest
      in what you’re doing). Most customers know off by heart how much a meal costs, as long as
      they’re paying the right price they don’t care what the till says. You then simply repeat this
      action, adding up the discrepancy between the total amount entered in the till and the total
      amount in the till drawer until it approximates a round number (i.e. £10 or $20, it doesn’t need
      to be exact), and then you take the difference. Disco.

      Alternatively, if some prices where you work are exact (i.e. $5) or just off it (i.e. £2.99) then just
      keep a few pennies, cents, centimes (if prices are exact you don’t even need to do this) and don’t
      ring the orders through the till at all if someone gives you exact money. If someone gives you
      £3.00 for a £2.99 meal, then just give them one of the pennies you have by your till and keep the
      £3.00. You don’t want piles of money around your till and coins are difficult to smuggle from
      the scene, so take the next order properly and stick the coins in the till (again remove a note or
      two later on). If you do end up with coins lying about it’s worth remembering that you can fit
      seven pound coins in an empty creamer portion!

      Once you have a positive balance in your till you enter stage two- smuggle your ill gotten gains
      to safety. The classic is simply to slip notes into your sock when you pause to tie your laces, but
      there are various alternatives. Some people devise ingenious cash stashes, for example, in the
      lining of your tie. Whatever you do, at the first opportunity go to the crew room and get the
      money into your wallet, avoid taking money with you when you get your till cashed up. The
      safest way to get rid of money is to get a mate to come in late on your shift and impersonate a
      customer. You simply overchange her/ him by however much your balance is positive.

      Thus far we’ve talked only about money. This is, of course, only a fraction of the potential
      swag present in a McDonalds. Everything is up for grabs- happy toys, cheese, chocolate flakes,
      lettuce, wedges, sauce portions, cleaning substances, strip lights, sticky tape, cooking
      equipment, salt, pepper, sugar, pancake mix, plants, tea bags, rubbish bags, balloons, ladders,
      toilet roll, fire extinguishers... You need never shop again! All your worldly needs can be met
      by McDonalds (except alcohol and class A drugs which you can get by selling McDonalds
      stock), they are delighted to help.

      Obviously closes, and opens to a lesser extent, are the best times to make off with larger items,
      but try and nick things when you might reasonably be carrying them about, so if you want to
      nick hash browns, don’t do it at dinner time. Normally the best way is to be totally blatant. If
      you say that you need to check the schedule and you just happen to be carrying a sleeve of
      cheese at the time then normally everyone is too busy to notice whether you come back with the
      cheese or whether everyone you know eats toasties that week. Bring in a spare bag and then if
      you arouse suspicion you can safely show your bag with nothing but personal possessions, if
      they look in the spare bag then just deny it’s yours, if they don’t then at the end of the day, when
      all’s clear, stick the spare bag in your bag and get out of Dodge.

      But far and away the best way to smuggle stock out is, if you work at a drive thru store, get a
      mate to drive through and at the first window you quickly pass out all sorts of shit, she/ he
      stashes it under a blanket and drives on to collect their regular fries with half the store in the
      back of their car.

      If this sort of stuff is happening on a grand scale (as it often is) they’ll start trying to keep stock
      areas locked. No problem, just throw the keys in the main bin when nobody’s looking. This
      will seriously fuck up the shift- soon there’s nothing to sell, they have to get hold of the manager
      who has got the spare keys, they get dragged out of the house, they’ll probably want new keys
      cut, it’s a fucking nightmare and they certainly wont lock the stock areas again in a hurry.

      There is plenty that is of value- happy meal toys make nice presents for young relatives. We
      used to know someone who swapped hash browns for hash, you can keep friends and family
      supplied with tea bags, household equipment, sauces, etc. Get stuck into the black economy.
      McDonalds owes us, we could be robbing them blind for years and not get back half of what
      they’ve stolen from us.

      We hope you enjoyed this humorous, just for entertainment article. Please remember that theft
      is a criminal offence.


      Know your rights!

      How to pass your day- Ten things to do in McDonalds when it's dead

      Recipes! - Break time never tasted so good!

      John Wayne's bumper guide to the job:


      Obviously in kitchen the priority is to cook what food you have to with as little effort as
      possible. The golden rule in all instances is therefor, “more food less often”. Always cook in
      the highest runs possible. SO, depending on your store, you should cook big macs in runs of 6
      or 12, regulars in runs of 9 or 18, etc.

      Kitchen should function as a team, it should be non-hierarchical and based on direct democracy.
      If the person on wrap and call is being a dick then the others should vote to replace him or her.
      If the person doesn’t comply then immediately everyone should go on a go slow. At busy
      periods a five minute go slow can lead to production being completely lost. Our collective
      strength is never more obvious than when a group of friends work together in kitchen. Here are
      a few specific notes:

      Wrap and Call

      This position, if occupied by a penis, can fuck up everyone’s day. When you’re on wrap and
      call your main objective is to make sure that everyone in kitchen has as easy a day as possible.
      So, “two sandwiches please” isn’t going to make any friends is it? Also, don’t tell people what
      to do, make suggestions. Don’t turn into a petty tyrant burger boy.
      In order to perform your role to the best of your ability you will need to cheat with time cards-
      when the food goes out of time, replace the time card, when the new card is out of time, replace
      it again. Keep this going until all the food is either sold or grows legs and runs away of its own
      accord. If you want this to go unnoticed then a good trick is to ask managers to throw token bits
      of food out from time to time- “could you throw out the first quarter please” makes it sound like
      you give a fuck and the manager doesn’t know the quarter she throws out (and all the others in
      the bin) saw action in Vietnam. The food tastes like shit whether it’s fresh or has just got its bus


      It’s pretty self-explanatory, you slap down meat when you can be fucked. One little thing, if
      you’re using a damaged Teflon and it’s ripping all the meat but you can’t be bothered changing
      it, just sprinkle salt liberally on the frozen patties before latching the grill. The meat will come
      up in one piece and the customers will eventually die of heart attacks which means there will be
      less of the bastards to serve.
      If you have to clean a grill, then don’t worry about the top platen, just change the Teflon round
      and claim you’re helping the openers. This saves a lot of time and has the added advantage that
      over time it can lead to carbon build up which can warp a grill causing McDonalds considerable
      expense. Bonus!


      The pickle just gets thrown on the ground anyway so don’t bother with it. There’s probably no
      need to use mustard either. Also, you know how your hands end up stinking of onion, pickle,
      mustard, all sorts of shit? Well especially if you’re going out later, wear plastic gloves so you
      don’t smell so bad when you’re trying to pull someone.


      Be creative, Mac crowns can go in the regular toaster, regular buns in the Mac toaster, use your


      Keep your holding levels very high and cook everything in big runs.


      Everyone else just copies it from a couple of days ago..


      The equipment will almost certainly not all be present in a useable condition. So refuse to do it.
      If they complain then ignore human resources and go straight to the health and safety executive
      (UK- 0171 717 6000) or the equivalent organisation where you work. If you do, do the
      filtering, a good trick is to get a metal jug and (very carefully!) scoop hot oil from other vats and
      pour it down the sides of the vat you’re filtering clearing any debris.

      Front counter

      Front Counter

      Anyone working on front counter should read our humorous, just for entertainment piece on

      Your other main concern here is the customers. It seems that all the scum on earth eat at
      McDonalds from time to time- don’t take shit, never apologise and above all else, never, ever
      smile unless YOU feel like it.

      You should work out with kitchen staff signals to deal with objectionable customers. For
      example, “extra bacon’ as a grill order might mean the order is for a police officer. It’s then up
      to kitchen to do their worst. Or, a “big Mac extra cheese, extra milk’, might mean “an abusive
      customer has ordered a big Mac extra cheese, please spit in it’. Abusive customers very often
      order grills because being awkward is there raison d’être.

      However, you should never, ever encourage people to do horrible things to burgers randomly.
      This is because lots of customers are actually really nice people. Give free food to anyone who
      is pleasant or looks like they are short of cash. Be careful giving free stuff to middle aged,
      middle class people because they just don’t get it and will stand there saying “I don’t think you
      charged me for this”. If you make a habit of giving free stuff to regular customers who work in
      local shops, pubs, etc. then you will hopefully find that visiting their workplaces soon results in
      the favour being reciprocated. Workers solidarity against the bosses!

      Unlike in kitchen, there is usually no point trying to do things quickly on front counter- it rarely
      buys you a break but just means more punters want served. Remember- if the queue gets long
      enough then people are less inclined to wait which ultimately means less people to serve. Try to
      leave your till whenever possible, go to the toilet, wash your hands excessively, claim your
      trousers are falling down, anything to break the tedium. Try talking to customers (!?), instead of
      “can I take your order here please?”, try “all right there, just finished work?”
      “er... yeah”
      “Looks like it’s been a rough day...etc.” Just serving food robotically is dehumanising for you
      and the customers.

      Oh, and never use the ice scoop!
      Backroom, cleaning, trashwalks

      Backroom, lobby, trash walks, etc.

      Remember: never wear decent shoes to work as they will just rot with all the grease and skank
      that floods about the floor.


      If you have to move heavy stuff and you don’t have a trolley then improvise with bun wheels
      and a bun crate (for bringing out boxes of fries, for example). Don’t put yourself out for


      As long as it’s not you regular job then you wont need to rotate stock properly. Just put a few
      older boxes on top to make things look right. By the time anyone notices it’s all fucked nobody
      will remember who did the last delivery. Nick a few boxes of stuff and claim the were never
      delivered (just joking, that might be illegal!). When you’ve chucked everything away slap a bit
      of “do not use’ tape about randomly to make it look like you’ve tried. Drag the whole thing out
      as long as possible. If anyone does notice how badly you’ve done it then hopefully they wont
      ask you again.

      Pulling stations

      Think what can be seen when the station’s back in place (sometimes just the floor) and clean it.
      Do the floor with a litre of APC (or local equivalent) and a damp mop. Some people like to
      pour salt on grease spills, I’ve never thought this was very useful but I suppose it wastes lots of
      salt. When you’re “finished’ quickly push the station back into place really fucking tightly so
      that no one will pull it out and see that you’ve actually done fuck all.


      If you have to clean a greasy surface, don’t try and clean it properly with soapy water, just wipe
      it with a DRY grill cloth.

      If you get sent to lobby to clean walls or something similar then make a big show of filling up a
      bucket of clean water then take a couple of cloths and a newspaper round to the wall. Splash the
      clean water about a bit then look for a plant (almost every McDonalds will have real or fake
      plants somewhere). Scoop some of the earth out of the plant pot and mix it well with your
      water. Sit back with your newspaper. After a while take your bucket and clothe back and make
      a big show of having to change this very dirty water- “fucking hell, when were those walls last
      cleaned?”. The manager will feel like a good burger slave and will ask if they’re scrubbing up
      all right, “yeah but it’s a lot of work” and with that you go back to your paper. Keep this going
      until you’ve at least read the sport, the cartoons and have had a go at the crossword. This really

      Dining Area

      Skive, read the paper, talk to random members of the public, it’s boring as fuck out here but it
      should be a bit of skive. If you get really bored then go to the shift runner with a really
      disruptive request from an imaginary customer- someone wants to check a rule from a now
      closed promotion or something. After the manager’s pissed about for a while, found the
      relevant file, searched and been unable to resolve the enquiry, looked up the number where the
      customer should direct enquiries, noted it down and took it out to the customer, you go “fuck-
      they were sitting right there, they’ve just left, that was so rude, etc.”

      Trash Walks

      Trash walks are great- empty one external bin and leave that bag somewhere you can find it,
      then compress the rubbish down in all the other bins and go to the pub, do your shopping,
      whatever. Come back and carry the bag you left earlier around to the front of the store and in
      full view of management chuck a few things in the bag. A manager (who had probably
      forgotten you were out there) will come to ask why you’ve taken so long. Look frustrated and
      ask when the last trash walk was done. “Just an hour ago”
      “Fucking hell, messy bastards today, this is the second bag I’ve filled,. I mean it’s still not great
      but you should have seen the mess before, etc.”. If anyone was out looking for you while you
      were in the pub, just claim you were along the street picking up litter in line with McDonalds
      community friendly policies.

      Got a scam you want to share with your colleagues? Let us know

      And remember kids...

      "Our competitors can try to copy many of our secrets, but they cannot duplicate our pride, our enthusiasm
      and our dedication for this business. There is no single factor more important than the dedication and effort
      of McDonald's employees. The McDonald's spirit is exclusively ours and yours."

      Andrew Taylor, President and CEO of McDonalds UK

      More from McDonalds Workers Resistance

      McSues magazine online - the pisstake mag from Glasgow MWR

      Get Involved Don't leave it to someone else, it's easy, it's fun, and you just might inherit the earth



