Blockchain for decent work (english version)

This project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement No. VS/2020/0093. The responsibility for the content of this site rests with the authors of the project and in no way reflects the point of view of the European Union. .

"Blockchain for decent work" is a project co-financed by the European Union with the aim of investigating the fields of application of blockchain in the labor market and the margins of involvement of workers in the management of the algorithms contained therein .

The project was started in March 2020 and ended in August 2022. With the help of internal expertise in the consortium and with the involvement of external experts, we analyzed the more traditional applications of blockchain, but also the applications in the experimental phase, with the aim of identifying the current and potential implications for workers, as well as the challenges and opportunities related to them. The project was carried out in a context of great transformations, prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the digital transition policies that followed, and has allowed us to equip ourselves to negotiate the use of a socially useful and compatible blockchain in workplaces, in the context of a fair and inclusive digitisation.


The project is led by 


Filcams-CGIL – The Italian Commerce Tourism and Services Workers’ Federation


In cooperation with


CGIL – The Italian General Labour Confederation


FGTB Horval – Belgian Federation of HORECA, Services and Agro-food workers


CCOO Catalunya – Regional trade union confederation of Comisiones Obreras Spain


EFFAT – European Federation of Food Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions


Blockchain Core - Agency specialized in evaluating the applicability and impact of the blockchain


IRES-CGIL ER – CGIL Emilia Romagna Institute for Economic and Social Research


WETCO – Workers’ Education and Training College of the Bulgarian trade union CITUB


With the support of


ETUC – European Trade Union Confederation


UNI-Europa – European Services Workers Union


UNI Global Union Finance – International Federation of Finance Trade Unions

Co-funded by the European Union


The publication "Guide for trade unionists 4.0 - The role of employee involvement for a blockchain at the service of quality work", edited by Stefania Radici, is available in PDF MOBI EPUB and paper version in Italian and English.

The fact sheet "Blockchain technology and applications in the labor market - challenges and opportunities" is available in the 24 official languages of the European Union.